어떤 생각이 갑자기 떠올랐을때
“It occurred to me that 문장“으로 표현합니다.
“Has나 had”를 붙여
“It has occurred to me that“이나
“It had occurred to me that “이 되면
어떤 생각이 과거에 떠올랐음을 표현합니다.
"It occurred to me that I forgot your birthday."
당신 생일을 잊은게 생각났습니다.
"It occurred to me that we both belong to the same gym."
"It occurred to me that we both belong to the same gym."
우리가 모두 같은 체육관에 속해있는 것이 생각났습니다.
"It occurred to me that we enjoy a lot of the same things."
"It occurred to me that we enjoy a lot of the same things."
우리가 여러가지 같은 것을 즐기고 있다는 것이 생각났습니다.
"It occurred to me the price for homes are more expensive here."
"It occurred to me the price for homes are more expensive here."
이곳 집값이 훨씬 비싸다는 것이 생각났습니다.
"It occurred to me that eating healthy makes me feel better."
"It occurred to me that eating healthy makes me feel better."
건강하게 먹는것이 나를 편하게 한다는 것이 생각났습니다.
"It had occurred to me that I forgot something at the grocery."
"It had occurred to me that I forgot something at the grocery."
상점에다 뭔가 잊고 온것이 생각났었습니다.
"It had occurred to me I might need to change my email address."
"It had occurred to me I might need to change my email address."
이메일 주소를 바꾸어야 할 필요가 있다는 것이 생각났었습니다.
"It has occurred to me I forgot my mom's birthday."
"It has occurred to me I forgot my mom's birthday."
엄마 생일을 잊었던 것이 생각났었습니다.
"It has occurred to me before."
"It has occurred to me before."
그게 지난번에 생각났었습니다.
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