어떤 일을 전해들어 알게됐을 때
“I've heard that 문장”으로 표현합니다.
"I've heard that you got a new job."
당신이 새 직업을 갖게됐다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you want to leave your job."
"I've heard that you want to leave your job."
당신이 직장을 그만두기 원한다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you got a new car."
"I've heard that you got a new car."
당신이 새차를 샀다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you like to jog."
"I've heard that you like to jog."
당신이 개를 좋아한다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you fix computers."
"I've heard that you fix computers."
당신이 컴퓨터를 고쳤다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you've never been to Canada."
"I've heard that you've never been to Canada."
당신이 캐나다에 가본적이 없다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you like to shop."
"I've heard that you like to shop."
당신이 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아한다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that you and your boss don't get along."
"I've heard that you and your boss don't get along."
당신이 직장상사와 잘 지내지 못한다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that there is no school next week."
"I've heard that there is no school next week."
다음주 수없이 없다고 들었습니다.
"I've heard that your wife is a yoga instructor."
"I've heard that your wife is a yoga instructor."
당신부인이 요가강사라고 들었습니다.
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