Woman Dating Sister's Ex Gets Family's Help Keeping It Quiet
DEAR ABBY: Recently my middle sister started dating my
younger sister's ex-boyfriend.
My younger sister dated this guy in college (10 years ago) and really
cared for him.
It ended when she found out he had cheated on her. Younger sister
is now married and has a small child.
Middle sister started dating this ex a few months ago
Middle sister started dating this ex a few months ago
and really likes him.
He has been over to see my parents, and they are
supportive of the relationship.
The problem is, no one wants to tell my younger sister
for fear of her being mad.
I talk to her almost daily. I'm afraid that once she finds out,
I talk to her almost daily. I'm afraid that once she finds out,
which is bound to happen, she will be more upset with me
(and my parents) for hiding it from her than the fact that they're dating.
Should I tell her or is it not my place?
I don't want to feel like I am lying or hiding anything anymore,
I don't want to feel like I am lying or hiding anything anymore,
but I also feel like my middle sister should admit it,
which she said she isn't ready to do because she doesn't want
to say anything unless this turns into something serious.
What should I do? -- CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE
you have sized the situation up accurately. Y
our younger sister will be mortified when she realizes that
everyone knew her sister has been dating the ex for months and
it was kept from her.
Talk to your middle sister. Insist that the sneaking around stop,
because it could cause a permanent breach in the family.
DEAR ABBY: Recently my middle sister started dating my
younger sister's ex-boyfriend.
최근 첫째동생이 둘째동생의 전남친과 데이트를 시작했습니다.
My younger sister dated this guy in college (10 years ago) and really
cared for him.
둘째동생은 대학때(10년전) 이친구와 데이트했고
무척 좋아했습니다.
It ended when she found out he had cheated on her.
둘사이는 남친이 동생 몰래 바람피운 것이 드러나 끝났습니다.
대과거에 대해 얘기해 보겠습니다.
대과거란 말이 생소하신분도 있으리라 생각합니다.
영어에서는 과거보다 더 과거에 있던 일을 대과거라고 하여
과거완료(had+PP)를 사용합니다.
위 문장에서
동생이 알아낸 것(She found)은 과거 사실입니다.
그리고 남친이 바람핀 것은 그녀가 알아내기 이전에
생긴 일입니다.
즉 과거보다 더 과거에 일어난 일입니다.
그래서 과거완료(He had cheated on her)를 사용한 것입니다.
예를 몇개 들어보면
I saw he had done it.
(과거) (대과거)
나는 그녀가 그것을 이미 마쳐 놓은 것을 보았다.
She had cooked dinner before we got there.
(대과거) (과거)
우리가 그곳에 도착하기전 그녀는 요리를 해놓았다.
The general thought we had killed them all.
(과거) (대과거)
장군은 우리가 그들 모두 죽였다고 생각했다ㅏ.
Younger sister is now married and has a small child.
둘째동생은 현재 결혼해 아이 한명이 있습니다.
Middle sister started dating this ex a few months ago and really likes him.
첫째동생은 몇달전부터 이 친구와 데이트를 시작했고 아주 좋아합니다.
He has been over to see my parents, and they are supportive of the relationship.
그는 부모님을 만나러 왔었으며 부모님들도 그들 사이를 적극 지원하고 있습니다.
The problem is, no one wants to tell my younger sister for fear of her being mad.
문제는 둘째동생이 폭발할까봐 아무도 얘기하지 못하는 것입니다.
I talk to her almost daily.
나는 그녀와 매일 대화를 합니다.
I'm afraid that once she finds out, which is bound to happen,
she will be more upset with me (and my parents) for hiding it from her
than the fact that they're dating.
내가 두려워하는 것은 일단 그녀가 이 사실을 알게되면.
결국 알게되겠지만요, 그들이 데이트 한다는 사실보다 우리가 이 사실을
감추고 있었다는 것때문에 나에게 (그리고 부모님에게) 보다 엄청
화를 낼 것이라는 것입니다.
be bound to: 반드시 뭐뭐하게 돼있다.
In such a hurry, you are bound to leave something behind.
그렇게 서두르면 반드시 뭔가 잊게 마련이댜.
After wasting time on computer game, he was bound to fail his test the next day.
컴퓨터 게임하느라 시간을 낭비한 후, 그는 다음날 시험을 망치는게 당연했다.
Should I tell her or is it not my place?
그녀에게 말해야 할까요? 아니면 내가 그럴 입장이 아난거요?
I don't want to feel like I am lying or hiding anything anymore,
but I also feel like my middle sister should admit it,
which she said she isn't ready to do because she doesn't want
to say anything unless this turns into something serious.
나는 더이상 뭔가 감추거나 거짓말하고있는 것같은 기분을 느끼고 싶지 않습니다.
그래서 둘째동생이 이 사실을 인정하기 바랍니다.
둘째동생은 둘 사이가 보다 진지하게 되기 전에는 아무것도
얘기하고 싶지 않기때문에 아직 준비가 안됐다고 합니다.
What should I do? -- CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE
어떻게 해야할까요?
DEAR CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE: From where I sit, you have sized
the situation up accurately.
내입장에서 보면 당신이 상황을 정확하게 파악하고
있다고 생각합니다.
Your younger sister will be mortified when she realizes that
everyone knew her sister has been dating the ex for months and
it was kept from her.
둘째동생은 언니가 그녀의 전남친과 데이트하고 있는 것을
모두 알면서도 그녀에게 감추었다는 사실에 몹시 모욕감을 느낄 것입니다.
Talk to your middle sister.
첫째동생과 얘기를 나누십시오.
Insist that the sneaking around stop,
because it could cause a permanent breach in the family.
감추는 것을 멈추어야 한다고 주장하십시오.
왜냐하면 감추고 있는 것이 가족간의 영원한
불화를 초래할수 있기 때문입니다.