DEAR ABBY: My son and his wife have been together 10 years. They met and fell in love young. They are only 25 and have two beautiful children.
I remarried three years ago, and my son's wife was instantly attracted to my 54-year-old husband. It's always uncomfortable for the two of us when they come to visit. She stares at him throughout the entire visit, tries to either sit right next to him or directly across from him, and expects a hug every time they arrive and leave. (We finally put a stop to it because she would wait to hug him last and then hold him extra long.)
My husband confided that he's flattered a 25-year-old gives him that much attention. Three years of this can be very wearing. Anything I can do and not lose my son? -- AWKWARD IN THE EAST
DEAR AWKWARD: Tell your son that it appears his wife has a crush on your husband, and that while he is flattered that someone so young would find him attractive, her behavior makes both of you uncomfortable. Then let him explain to her that it is time to cool her engines.
I remarried three years ago, and my son's wife was instantly attracted to my 54-year-old husband. It's always uncomfortable for the two of us when they come to visit. She stares at him throughout the entire visit, tries to either sit right next to him or directly across from him, and expects a hug every time they arrive and leave. (We finally put a stop to it because she would wait to hug him last and then hold him extra long.)
My husband confided that he's flattered a 25-year-old gives him that much attention. Three years of this can be very wearing. Anything I can do and not lose my son? -- AWKWARD IN THE EAST
DEAR AWKWARD: Tell your son that it appears his wife has a crush on your husband, and that while he is flattered that someone so young would find him attractive, her behavior makes both of you uncomfortable. Then let him explain to her that it is time to cool her engines.
번역 💕
My son and his wife have been together 10 years.
아들과 그의 아내는 10년을 같이 살고있습니다.
They met and fell in love young.
그들은 어려서 만나 사랑에 빠졌습니다.
They are only 25 and have two beautiful children.
그들은 이제 25살이고 두명의 예쁜 자녀를 가지고 있습니다.
I remarried three years ago, and my son's wife was
I remarried three years ago, and my son's wife was
instantly attracted to my 54-year-old husband.
나는 3년전 재혼했고 며느리는 곧바로 54세인
내 남편에게 빠졌습니다.
ago와 before의 차이
Ago: 현재부터 일정시간 이전에 있던 일을 나타냅니다.
(때문에 시간을 나타내는 부사가 앞섭니다.)
The train went out ten minutes ago.
기차는 10분전에 떠났다.
I met her two weeks ago.
나는 그녀를 이주전에 만났다.
It happened a long time ago.
그건 오래전에 일어났다.
Before: 막연하게 이전에 있었던 일을 나타내거나
과거보다 더 과거에 있었던 일을 나타냅니다.
(따라서 현재완료와 함께 사용되는 경우가 많습니다.)
I have seen this film before.
나는 그 영화를 전에 봤다.
Have you been here before?
전에 여기 와본적 있나요?
I remembered that I had been at school with her 15 years before.
나는 15년전에 그녀와 같은 학교를 다녔던 것을 기억했다.(과거보다 더 과거)
It's always uncomfortable for the two of us when they come to visit.
이런 사실은 그들이 올때마다 항상 우리 둘을 불편하게 합니다.
She stares at him throughout the entire visit,
tries to either sit right next to him or directly across from him,
and expects a hug every time they arrive and leave.
그녀는 우리집을 방문하는 내내 그를 쳐다보며,
그의 바로 옆자리에 앉거나 바로 맞은편에 앉으려고 노력하며,
도착하거나 따날 때마다 그를 포응하려 합니다.
(We finally put a stop to it because she would wait to hug
him last and then hold him extra long.)
(우리는 결국 이를 그만 두었습니다. 왜냐하면 그녀는 그를
가장 마지막으로 포응하려고 기다렸다 오랫동안 안고 있기 때문입니다.)
My husband confided that he's flattered a 25-year-old
My husband confided that he's flattered a 25-year-old
gives him that much attention.
내 남편은 25세의 여인에 그에게 많은 관심주는 것을
기분좋게 받아들인다고 고백했습니다.
Confide는 3형식문장을 만듭니다.
하지만 사람을 목적어로 하지 않습니다.
I confided my troubles to him.
나는 그에게 내 어려움을 털어놓았다.
Mary had no one to confide her sorrow.
매리는 그녀의 슬픔을 털어놓을 사람이 한명도 없었다.
He confided that he was very unhappy with his job.
그는 그의 직업이 행복하지 않다고 털어놓았다.
“~~에게 털어놓다”라고 할때 원칙적으로 전치사 in을 사용합니다.
하지만 to를 사용하는 사람도 있습니다.
I'd like to confide in you.
I'd like to confide to you.
당신에게 털어놓고 싶습니다.
No: she must not confide in him.
아니야.. 그녀는 그에게 털어놓아서는 안되.
Elliot is smart enough to not confide in anyone he does not trust.
엘리엇은 신용하지 못할 사람에게 마음을 털어놓을 만큼 어리석지 않다.
(직역: 엘리엇은 신용하지 못할 사람에게 마음을 털어놓지 않을 만큼 똑똑하다.)
Three years of this can be very wearing.
이런 일이 3년동안이나 계속되는 것이 우리를 피곤하게 합니다.
Anything I can do and not lose my son? -- AWKWARD IN THE EAST
아들을 잃지 않으며 내가 할수 있는 일이 있을까요?
DEAR AWKWARD: Tell your son that it appears his wife has
a crush on your husband, and that while he is flattered that
someone so young would find him attractive,
her behavior makes both of you uncomfortable.
아들에게 말하십시오, 그의 부인이 남편에게 매력을
느끼고 있는 것 같다고요, 그리고 젊은 여인이 관심을
가져주는 것에 대해 남편이 기분 좋아하지만
두사람에게는 편치않다고요.
Crush: 한국에서도 많이 사용하는 단어이기 때문에 다 아시겠지만
명사로 사용된다는 것도 알아두십시오.
Mason is my crush.
매이손이 내가 좋아하는 애야.
I don’t have a crush on on anybody right now.
나는 현재 아무도 좋아하고 있지 않아.
Keri has a crush on Roberto, but she is too shy to tell him.
케리는 로버트를 좋아하고 있어, 하지만 너무 부끄러워 말을 못하고 있지.
Then let him explain to her that it is time to cool her engines.
그리고 아들에게 이제 그녀의 엔진을 식힐때가 됐다고
설명하게 하십시오.
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