DEAR ABBY: I am a diagnosed narcoleptic.
Medication helps with the symptoms, but not entirely.
I looked into alternative options and found a fantastic diet.
I recently went on it with amazing results.
My dad's side of the family is Italian, and a huge part of the culture is food.
During celebrations, it's considered offensive to refuse food, and my family has always looked down on diets.
If a family member is on one, they'll argue that it's a special occasion and it's only for one day.
Abby, I'm exhausted at family gatherings.
If I try to turn something down, I get attacked because "Grandma made it," or "It's your favorite and we made it for you."
I have tried explaining to them that I don't want them to alter their dinner arrangements to accommodate me, but I should be allowed to forgo eating foods that will make me feel like a zombie.
They just don't get it, and it has caused arguments.
How do I re-open this discussion without offending anyone? -- PANICKED OVER PASTA
DEAR P. OVER P.: Do it before the celebration by calling your hosting family member and explaining that there are now foods you cannot eat because of your diagnosed medical condition.
Explain that you know they would not feed certain foods to a diabetic, and you need the same dispensation.
Ask them to kindly not put you in the embarrassing position of having to refuse their delicious food, and if they feel it will cause a problem, they should excuse you from the event.
DEAR ABBY: I am a diagnosed narcoleptic.
나는 불면증 진단을 받았습니다.
Medication helps with the symptoms, but not entirely.
약물로 인해 증상을 없애는데 약간의 도움을 받았습니다만 완전하지 않습니다.
I looked into alternative options and found a fantastic diet.
(그래서) 대안을 찾아보았고 환상적인 다이어트 치료법을 발견했습니다.
I recently went on it with amazing results.
나는 요즘 놀라운 효과를 보면서 그것을 계속하고 있습니다.
My dad's side of the family is Italian, and a huge part of the culture is food.
우리 아빠 혈통은 이태리입니다, 그래서 음식이 그들 문화의 커다란 부분입니다.
During celebrations, it's considered offensive to refuse food, and my family has always looked down on diets.
뭔가 축하할 일이 있을때 음식을 거절하는 하는 것은 무례한 일으로 여겨집니다, 그리고 우리 가족은 다이어트를 우습게 생각합니다.
If a family member is on one, they'll argue that it's a special occasion and it's only for one day.
만일 우리 가족에게 축하할 일이 생기면, 그들은 그것이 아주 특별한 경우이고, 그런 일은 그날 밖에 없는 것처럼 생각합니다.
Abby, I'm exhausted at family gatherings.
애비, 나는 가족 모임에 진절머리가 납니다.
If I try to turn something down, I get attacked because "Grandma made it," or "It's your favorite and we made it for you."
내가 무언가를 거절하려고 하면, "그건 할머님이 만드신 거란다" "그건 네가 좋아하는 것이라서 우리가 만들었다"라는 이유로 나는 공격을 받습니다.
I have tried explaining to them that I don't want them to alter their dinner arrangements to accommodate me, but I should be allowed to forgo eating foods that will make me feel like a zombie.
나는 그들에게, 내 처지 때문에 저녁을 바꾸지 않았으면 좋겠지만 나를 좀비처럼 느끼게 하는 음식을 먹지 않고 지나가도록 허락해 주었으면 좋겠다고 설명해 왔습니다.
They just don't get it, and it has caused arguments.
그들은 그것을 도저히 이해하지 못하며 그것때문에 언쟁이 생겼습니다.
How do I re-open this discussion without offending anyone? -- PANICKED OVER PASTA
어떻게 해야 그들 마음을 상하지 않게 하면서 이 문제를 다시 거론할수 있을까요? -- 파스타 때문에 황당한 사람이
DEAR P. OVER P.: Do it before the celebration by calling your hosting family member and explaining that there are now foods you cannot eat because of your diagnosed medical condition.
모임 전에 그 모임을 주관하는 가정에 전화하여, 요즘 진찰된 건강조건 때문에 못 먹는 음식이 있다는 사실을 설명하면서 그문제를 거론하십시오.
Explain that you know they would not feed certain foods to a diabetic, and you need the same dispensation.
사람들이 당뇨병 환자에게는 어떤 특정한 음식은 제공하지 않는다는 사실을 알고있는 것처럼 당신도 동일한 조치가 필요하다는 것을 설명하십시오.
Ask them to kindly not put you in the embarrassing position of having to refuse their delicious food, and if they feel it will cause a problem, they should excuse you from the event.
당신이 그들의 맛있는 음식을 거절해야 하는 당황스러운 상황에 빠지지 않도록 친절을 배풀어 주도록 요청하시고, 만일 그것이 문제가 된다면, 그들은 당신이 모임에 빠지는 것을 허락해야 합니다.
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