DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My best friend is a good person and has a lot going for her.
But she also likes to party hard on the weekends and more than once has ended up in trouble.
Not long ago she was so over-the-top drunk that she got us bounced from a club we had been going to for a long time. She gets loud and sometimes mean and now some friends refuse to meet up with us when they know she is going to be there.
I don’t think she is an alcoholic or anything like that, but I think she is headed for bigger trouble if she doesn’t lay off the drinking.
How do I say something to her? --- WORRIED ABOUT MY FRIEND
DEAR WORRIED: You’re right to be worried about your friend.
She may not be an alcoholic, but she could very well be a “problem drinker.”
The line between social and problem drinking is crossed when alcohol consumption begins to have adverse effects on the drinker’s life.
Many outgrow the party drinking after getting good and scared by something they did or almost did.
It sounds like it’s time you and maybe a few more friends had an honest conversation with your BFF when she’s completely sober to let her know what you and others are seeing.
Expect pushback, but don’t give up.
It could take several attempts on your part, or an eye-opening realization on hers that she is not in control of herself when she’s drunk.
In the meantime, you may need to continue playing guardian angel to make sure she doesn’t do anything really bad that can’t be undone.
DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My best friend is a good person and has a lot going for her.
내친구는 좋은 사람이고 같이해야 할 이유가 많습니다.
But she also likes to party hard on the weekends and more than once has ended up in trouble.
하지만 그녀는 주말이면 격정적인 파티를 좋아해 여러번 문제를 일으켰습니다.
Not long ago she was so over-the-top drunk that she got us bounced from a club we had been going to for a long time.
얼마전에는 그녀가 술에 너무 취해 우리가 오래동안 다니던 클럽으로부터 쫒겨났습니다.
She gets loud and sometimes mean and now some friends refuse to meet up with us when they know she is going to be there.
그녀는 씨끄럽기도 하고 가끔은 저질스럽게 굴어, 이제는 그녀가 있는줄 알면 친구들이 우리 만나것을 거절합니다.
I don’t think she is an alcoholic or anything like that, but I think she is headed for bigger trouble if she doesn’t lay off the drinking.
나는 그녀가 알콜중독자나 그와 비슷한 같은 것일 꺼라고 생각하지는 않지만 그녀가 술을 끊지 않으면 더 큰 문제를 일으킬 것이라고 생각합니다.
"is headed for"
"~~쪽으로 가다"라는 의미로 "go to"와 비슷합니다.
하지만 약간 어감이 다릅니다.
"go to"가 "~~로 가다"라는 의미라면
"be headed for"는 "~~쪽으로 향하다"라는 의미로 보면 좋을것 같습니다.
She spun around and headed for her car.
그녀는 훽 돌아서 그녀의 차로 향했다.
She donned her bathing suit and headed for the pool.
그녀는 수영복을 입고 풀로 향했다.
She and her husband have a lot of serious problems, and it is apparent to me that she is headed for a divorce.
그녀와 남편은 문제가 많다. 내가 보기에 그들은 이혼으로 갈것 같다.
How do I say something to her? --- WORRIED ABOUT MY FRIEND
내가 그녀에게 뭐라고 해야 할까요?
DEAR WORRIED: You’re right to be worried about your friend.
당신이 친구에 대해 걱정하는 것은 옳은 일입니다.
She may not be an alcoholic, but she could very well be a “problem drinker.”
그녀가 알콜중독자는 아닐지 모르지만 문제가 많은 음주자일 가능성은 큽니다.
The line between social and problem drinking is crossed when alcohol consumption begins to have adverse effects on the drinker’s life.
친교를 위해 술을 마시느냐 문제를 일으키기 위해 술을 마시느냐 하는 경계선은 술을 마심으로써 그 사람 인생에 역효과를 가져오기 시작할 때입니다.
Many outgrow the party drinking after getting good and scared by something they did or almost did.
많은사람들이 (문제를 일으키는) 파티음주를 벗어나게 되는 것은 그들이 한 일이나, 할 뻔한 일때문에 큰일을 당하거나 몸서리치는 일이 있고 난 뒤입니다.
It sounds like it’s time you and maybe a few more friends had an honest conversation with your BFF when she’s completely sober to let her know what you and others are seeing.
이제 당신과 몇몇 친구들이 그녀가 완전 제정신일때 당신들이 목격했던 일들을 얘기헤주기 위해 그녀와 솔직한 대화를 가져야 할때입니다.
"Sober Up"이란 제목의 재미있는 노래 하나
Expect pushback, but don’t give up.
그녀가 반박할 것을 예상히십시오, 하지만 포기하지 마십시오.
It could take several attempts on your part, or an eye-opening realization on hers that she is not in control of herself when she’s drunk.
그렇게 되려면 당신쪽에서 여러번 노력하거나, 술을 마시면 자제가 불가능하다고 그녀 스스로가 깨닫게 되는 정신 확 뜨이는 일이 있어야 합니다.
In the meantime, you may need to continue playing guardian angel to make sure she doesn’t do anything really bad that can’t be undone.
그러는 동안, 그녀가 돌이킬수 없는 어떤일을 벌이지 않도록 당신이 수호천사 노릇하는 것을 계속해야 할 필요가 있습니다.
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