Thursday, June 28, 2018

밴댕이 소갈머리 아빠를 어찌하면 좋을까요?

DEAR ABBY: My parents went through a bitter divorce five years ago and have had little to no contact since then. 
During the process of the divorce, their communication was through my siblings and me, which took a toll on us. However, despite the turmoil of the divorce, we are still close to both of them.
I'm a medical student who will be graduating next year. 
I recently brought up the idea of having a graduation party, but my father says he refuses to come if Mom or anyone from her side of the family will be there. 
This led to a discussion about future weddings and events that will most likely happen soon.
My siblings and I are in our mid- to late-20s, and Dad insists that he won't attend any future events that Mom will attend, even if it's his own child's wedding. 
It was extremely difficult to hear.
My siblings and I can't imagine him boycotting something just because he doesn't want to be in the presence of our mother. 
We all think he's overreacting and needs to get over the past. 
Must we get over the fact that he doesn't want to be around our mother and allow him to skip these important days? -- CHILD OF DIVORCE IN MICHIGAN

DEAR CHILD: Your father may be angry, but he is also being selfish and childish. 
By telling you what he did, he's attempting to manipulate you into choosing between him and your mother.
By asking me whether you should "allow" him to skip these important milestones, you appear to be under the impression that you can somehow control your father. 
You cannot control the actions of another adult. 
You can, however, control the way you react to his behavior.
You and your siblings should not allow yourselves to be manipulated. "Remind" your father that if he follows through with his threat, he will be missed, and the only person he'll be hurting is himself.

DEAR ABBY: My parents went through a bitter divorce five years ago and have had little to no contact since then. 
우리 부모님들은 5년전 아주 피튀기는 이혼을 했으며 그후 전혀 연락을 하지 않을 정도로 관계가 없습니다.

During the process of the divorce, their communication was through my siblings and me, which took a toll on us. 
이혼하는 과정에서 그들의 소통은 우리 남매들을 통해 이루어졌으며 그게 우리에겐 엄청 고통이었습니다.

However, despite the turmoil of the divorce, we are still close to both of them.
하지만 이혼의 소용돌이 속에서도 우리는 여전히 두분과 가깝게 지내고 있습니다.

I'm a medical student who will be graduating next year. 
나는 내년 졸업을 앞둔 의대생입니다.

I recently brought up the idea of having a graduation party, but my father says he refuses to come if Mom or anyone from her side of the family will be there. 
최근 나는 졸업파티에 대한 생각을 언급했습니다. 하지만 아빠는, 엄마나 그녀의 가족중 누군가가 그곳에 참석하면 자기는 오지 않겠다고 합니다.

This led to a discussion about future weddings and events that will most likely happen soon.
이 (졸업파티) 얘기는 앞으로 있을 결혼이나, 곧 있게 될 여러가지 이벤트에 대한 얘기로 흘렀습니다.

My siblings and I are in our mid- to late-20s, and Dad insists that he won't attend any future events that Mom will attend, even if it's his own child's wedding. 
나와 우리 남매들은 20대중반부터 후반이며, 아빠는 엄마가 참석하는 행사는 어떤 행사이건 절대 참석하지 않겠다고 합니다, 자식들 결혼식까지요.

It was extremely difficult to hear.
이것은 정말 듣기 힘듭니다.

My siblings and I can't imagine him boycotting something just because he doesn't want to be in the presence of our mother. 
우리 남매들은 그(아빠)가 엄마가 있는 곳에는 나타나고 싶지 않기때문에 그와 같은 행사를 거부한다는 것은 상상하기 어렵습니다.

We all think he's overreacting and needs to get over the past. 
우리는 모두 그가 지나치게 굴고 있다고 생각하며, 과거를 떨쳐버려야 한다고 생각합니다. 

Must we get over the fact that he doesn't want to be around our mother and allow him to skip these important days? -- CHILD OF DIVORCE IN MICHIGAN
우리는, 엄마가 있는 곳에 그가 오고 싶어 하지 않는다는 것을 받아들이고 그가 이러한 중요한 행사에 참석치 않는 것을 용납해 주어야 할까요?

DEAR CHILD: Your father may be angry, but he is also being selfish and childish. 
아빠가 화가 나 있을수 있지만 그것보다 그는 이기적이고 유치합니다.

By telling you what he did, he's attempting to manipulate you into choosing between him and your mother.
그는 그가 하는 짓에 대해 얘기하며, 당신이 그와 엄마 사이를 선택하도록 유도하려고 하고 있습니다.

By asking me whether you should "allow" him to skip these important milestones, you appear to be under the impression that you can somehow control your father. 
당신은 내게 "이런 중요한 행사에 아빠가 빠지는 것을 허락해야 할까요"라는 질문을 하면서, 당신이 어느정도 아빠의 행동을 콘트롤할 수 있다고 생각하고 있습니다.

You cannot control the actions of another adult. 
당신은 다른 어른의 행동을 콘트롤할 수 없습니다.

You can, however, control the way you react to his behavior.
하지만 그의 행동에 대한 당신의 반응을 콘트롤할 수 있습니다.

You and your siblings should not allow yourselves to be manipulated. 
당신과 당신 남매들은 휘둘리지 말아야 합니다.

"Remind" your father that if he follows through with his threat, he will be missed, and the only person he'll be hurting is himself.
당신 아빠에게, 그가 위협을 계속해 나가면 그 없이 모든 일이 이루어질 것이며, (그것으로 인해) 상처받는 사람은 그 자신임을 일깨워 주십시오.  


To 부정사의 모든 것

정관사 (정관사를 사용하지 않아야 하는 경우)

정관사 (정관사를 사용해야 하는 경우)







셀수있는 명사와 셀수없는 명사의 차이

명사의 종류

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

자동차여행을 하고 싶은 남편, 그게 싫은 부인

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for 42 years. 
For the most part, we have had a good marriage. 
We raised two children, are helping to raise three grandchildren and still enjoy each other's company.
I am retiring shortly and looking forward to enjoying it. 
For years I have anticipated being free to travel the country and see things I didn't have the time to see when I was employed. 
The problem is, I like the idea of seeing the country via road trip. 
My wife says she's a "homebody" and doesn't want to be "stuck in the car" for a week.
Several friends have suggested I should take my road trips without my wife. 
I don't really want to do that, and she says that if I did, she would feel deserted. 
How can I be a good husband and spend time with my wife, and not feel cheated out of something I have wanted to do for so long? -- HEADED FOR THE OPEN ROAD

DEAR HEADED: I can't help thinking about how many widows would give anything to share an adventure like that with their husband. 
I also don't think leaving one's spouse for a week qualifies as desertion. 
Many husbands and wives do it regularly to conduct their business. 
Perhaps if you return from one of your excursions with tales of how beautiful and interesting the road trip was, it will pique her interest.

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for 42 years. 
아내와 나는 42년째 결혼생활을 하고있습니다.

For the most part, we have had a good marriage. 
거의 대부분 우리는 행복한 결혼생활을 하고있습니다.

We raised two children, are helping to raise three grandchildren and still enjoy each other's company.
우리는 두명의 아이를 키웠고 세명의 손자들 키우는 것을 도와주며 아직 서로와 함께 하는 것을 좋아합니다.

I am retiring shortly and looking forward to enjoying it. 
나는 곧 은퇴하며, 은퇴한 뒤의 생활을 고대하고 있습니다.

For years I have anticipated being free to travel the country and see things I didn't have the time to see when I was employed. 
몇년동안, 전국을 자유스럽게 여행하는 것을 기대해 왔고, 직장생활을 하는 동안 시간이 없어 보지 못했던 것을 볼 기대에 부풀어 있습니다.

The problem is, I like the idea of seeing the country via road trip. 
문제는, 나는 자동차 여행을 하면서 전국을 돌아다니고 싶은 생각입니다. 

My wife says she's a "homebody" and doesn't want to be "stuck in the car" for a week.
(하지만) 아내는 자기는 "집순이"라고 하며 일주일 동안 차에 갇혀있고 싶지 않다고 합니다.

Several friends have suggested I should take my road trips without my wife. 
몇몇 친구들은 아내없이 자동차 여행을 떠나라고 제안합니다.

I don't really want to do that, and she says that if I did, she would feel deserted. 
나는 정말 그러고 싶지 않습니다, 그리고 아내가 말하기를, 내가 그렇게 한다면 자기는 버림받은 느낌일 것이라고 합니다.

How can I be a good husband and spend time with my wife, and not feel cheated out of something I have wanted to do for so long? -- HEADED FOR THE OPEN ROAD
어떻게 해야 좋은 남편으로서 아내와 함께 시간을 보낼수 있을까요, 그리고 그렇게 오랫동안 하고 싶었던 일을 아내의 꾀임에 빠져 하지 못하는 일이 없을까요?

not feel cheated out of something
이런 부분은 한국말로 딱이 뭐라고 번역하기 어려운 것같습니다.
해석해 놓은 것을 참고로 각자 생각해 보시기 바랍니다.

DEAR HEADED: I can't help thinking about how many widows would give anything to share an adventure like that with their husband. 
(남편을 일찍 잃은) 많은 미망인들이 남편과 함께 그와 같은 모험을 즐기려고 어떤일이라도 할것이라는 생각을 하지 않을수 없습니다.

 I can't help thinking about how many widows would give anything to share an adventure like that with their husband. 
문자 그대로 번역하면 다음과 같습니다.
"나는 얼마나 많은 미망인들이 남편과 함께 그와 같은 모험을 즐기려고 어떤 일이라도 할것이라는 생각을 하지 않을수 없습니다."입니다.
즉 "그런 여행을 하자고 권하는 남편이 있는 것을 그녀는 얼마나 고마운 일인지 모르고 있다."라는 의미의 문장입니다.

I also don't think leaving one's spouse for a week qualifies as desertion. 
그러면서도, 배우자를 일주일 정도 혼자 남겨놓는 일을 "버리는 것"이라고 생각하지 않습니다.

Many husbands and wives do it regularly to conduct their business. 
많은 남편과 부인들은 업무를 위해 보통 그렇게 합니다.

Perhaps if you return from one of your excursions with tales of how beautiful and interesting the road trip was, it will pique her interest.
아마 당신이 자동차여행이 얼마나 멋있었고 재미있었는지에 대한 얘기를 갖고 돌아온다면, 그게 당신 부인의 흥미를 불러 일으킬 것입니다.

문장의 5형식 (3형식)

Friday, June 22, 2018

약혼자 빼앗아 오기

DEAR ABBY: I met the love of my life eight months ago. 
Everything about our relationship is perfect. 
We both love our families, fine food, games and, most importantly, each other. 
We met at an antique store and now have an extensive stamp collection together.
Wanting this joy to last forever, I proposed to her. 
I couldn't imagine a happier life for both of us, until I discovered that she is already engaged. 
Her mother informed me that she had accepted a proposal from a close friend of ours months ago.
At first I was devastated, but now I understand the situation. 
She felt obligated to accept his proposal, yet I know she will only find true happiness by marrying me. 
How do I go about bringing this up to her? 
I'm very non-confrontational, and don't want her to feel awkward or uncomfortable. 
Should I tell her what I know or wait for her to come to me? 
Please help. -- IN LOVE BUT CONFUSED

DEAR IN LOVE: Something is definitely wrong with this picture. 
Sometimes confrontation is healthy. 
Don't waste another moment waiting for the girl to level with you. 
Tell her what her mother told you and ask if it is true. If it is, she needs to explain. 
Although you may be ready to settle down and get married, she may not be emotionally mature enough to marry either one of you.

DEAR ABBY: I met the love of my life eight months ago. 
8개월전 내 일생의 사랑이 될 사람을 만났습니다.

Everything about our relationship is perfect. 
우리 관계는 모든 것이 완벽했습니다.

We both love our families, fine food, games and, most importantly, each other. 
우리는 둘다, 가족과 맛있는 음식 그리고 오락을 사랑하며, 가장 중요한 것은 서로를 사랑하고 있습니다.

We met at an antique store and now have an extensive stamp collection together.
우리는 골동품점 가게에서 만났으며 둘다 대규모 우표수집을 하고 있습니다.

Wanting this joy to last forever, I proposed to her. 
이런 기쁨이 영원이 지속되기를 바라며, 그녀에게 청혼했습니다.

원래는 아래와 같은 문장입니다.
Because I want this joy to last forever, I proposed to her. 혹은 As I want this joy to last forever, I proposed to her.

하지만 위와같이 "주어+동사, 주어+동사"로 이루어진 하나의 문장은 
종속절의 주어를 생략하는 경향이 있습니다.
그리고 접속사도 함께 생략합니다.
want this joy to last forever, I proposed to her.

마지막으로 첫글자를 대문자로 하고 동사에 ing를 붙입니다.
Wanting this joy to last forever, I proposed to her.

이런것을 현재분사라고 합니다.

I couldn't imagine a happier life for both of us, until I discovered that she is already engaged. 
그녀가 이미 약혼했다는 사실을 알기전까지 나는 우리 둘에게 있어 이보다 더 행복한 결혼생활이 있을수 있다는 것을 상상할수 없었습니다.  

Her mother informed me that she had accepted a proposal from a close friend of ours months ago.
그녀의 어머니는 그녀가 몇달전 우리 둘다 알고있는 가까운 친구로부터 청혼을 받아들였다는 사실을 알려주었습니다.

At first I was devastated, but now I understand the situation. 
처음에는 몹시 낙담했지만 이제는 그 상황을 이해합니다.

She felt obligated to accept his proposal, yet I know she will only find true happiness by marrying me. 
그녀가 그의 청혼을 받아들여야 했겠지만 아직 나는 그녀가 나와 결혼해야 진정한 해복을 얻을수 있다고 생각합니다.

How do I go about bringing this up to her? 
이문제를 어떻게 그녀에게 꺼내야 할까요?

I'm very non-confrontational, and don't want her to feel awkward or uncomfortable. 
나는 사람들과 대립하는 것을 잘못하며 그녀가 난처해지거나 불편해지는 것을 원치 않습니다.

Should I tell her what I know or wait for her to come to me? 
그녀에게 내가 생각하는 것을 얘기해 주고 그녀가 내게 오기를 기다려야 할까요?

Please help. -- IN LOVE BUT CONFUSED

DEAR IN LOVE: Something is definitely wrong with this picture. 
전체적인 상황에 분명 무엇인가 잘못 됐습니다.

Sometimes confrontation is healthy. 
가끔은 사람과 대립하는게 건강할수 있습니다.

Don't waste another moment waiting for the girl to level with you. 
그녀가 당신에게 마음을 털어놓기를 기다리며 시간을 낭비하지 마십시오.

Tell her what her mother told you and ask if it is true. 
그녀에게 그녀의 어머님이 하신 말씀을 얘기하고 그게 사실인지 물어보세오.

If it is, she needs to explain. 
그게 사실이라면, 그녀는 설명을 해야합니다.

Although you may be ready to settle down and get married, she may not be emotionally mature enough to marry either one of you.
비록 당신은 마음이 정리되어 결혼할 준비가 됐을지 모르지만, 그녀는 두사람 중 어느사람과 결혼할 만큼 정서적으로 성숙해있지 않을런지 모릅니다.