Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My mom and dad are very old world.
They came to this country from India when they were first married, nearly 35 years ago.
I remember all the times when I was growing up their parents would fly to the U.S. and
end up staying with us for a month or two at least, and my folks were completely cool with it.

Now that my wife and I have our own family, my parents, who only live a about six hours away,
come for at least three visits a year, and after my dad goes back so he can get back to
work after a few days, my mom, who has always been a housewife, remains for nearly a month.

My wife, who works from home so she can be with the kids, never says anything,
but it drives me nuts having my mom hanging around so much.
I enjoy having the house to just my own family, and when Mom’s here,
it seems like we have a guest that needs to be entertained.

Would I be wrong to ask my mother to cut her visits shorter in the future?

My mom and dad are very old world.
우리 엄마 아버지는 구식사람들입니다.

They came to this country from India when they were first married, nearly 35 years ago.
그들은 35년전 결혼을 한뒤 이나라로 왔습니다.

I remember all the times when I was growing up their parents would fly to the U.S. and end up staying with us for a month or two at least, and my folks were completely cool with it.
나는 그들 부모님들(즉 할머니. 할아버지)이 미국으로 낭아와 적어도 한두달 동안 머물렀던 것과
우리가족은 그것 때문에 아무 문제가 없었던 것을 늘 기억하고 있습니다.

Now that my wife and I have our own family, my parents, who only live a about six hours away, come for at least three visits a year, and after my dad goes back so he can get back to work after a few days, my mom, who has always been a housewife, remains for nearly a month.
현재 아내와 내가 가정을 꾸린 현재, 6시간거리에 사는 부모님들은 적어도 일년에 세번은 방문하시며
몇일뒤 아버지가 직장으로 돌아가기 위해 귀가한 후에도 항상 전업주부였던 엄마는 거의 한달동안

My wife, who works from home so she can be with the kids, never says anything, but it drives me nuts having my mom hanging around so much.
집에서 일하기 때문에 아이들과 함께 있는 것이 가능한 아내는 아무말도 하지 않지만 엄마가 오랫동안 함께 있는 것이 나를 미치게 합니다.

I enjoy having the house to just my own family, and when Mom’s here, it seems like we have a guest that needs to be entertained. Would
나는 집을 우리가족만을 위해 유지하고 싶은데 엄마가 여기 있으면 즐겁게 해주어야 할 손님이
한명 있는 것과 같습니다.

Would I be wrong to ask my mother to cut her visits shorter in the future? --- SON OF A HOUSEGUEST
엄마에게 다음부터는 방문을 좀 짧게 해주었으면 좋겠다고 얘기하는 것이 잘못된 일일까요?

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